To be held during the upcoming General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria, 23- 28April 2017).
The NP5.1 session "Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation" will be devoted to all aspects of Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation in Geophysics.
The deadline for receipt of abstract is 11 January 2017, 13:00 CET. An Abstract Processing Charge (APC) of €40.00 gross must be paid for each abstract submission.
Possibilities of financial support are available for Early Career Scientists, as well as for Established Scientists from low, lower middle, and upper middle income countries. Requests for financial support must be submitted, together with an abstract, by 1 December 2016.
Solicited lecturer for the session: Jochen Broecker (University of Reading, UK)
With regards,
Olivier Talagrand, Stéphane Vannitsem, Wansuo Duan, Amos Lawless, Matthew Martin, Alberto Carrassi and Javier Amezcua
Alberto Carrassi
8 November, 2016 - 15:15
EGU 2017
EGU 2017