EGU Session IE1.3 "eScience, ensemble methods and environmental changes in high latitudes"

To be held during the upcoming General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria, 23 – 28 April 2017).


The session "eScience, ensemble methods and environmental changes in high latitudes" welcome contributions in fields related to the intersection of environmental change (such as, but not restricted to, measurements, inverse modeling, data assimilation, process parametrizations, ESMs) and eScience (such as, but not restricted to, and HPC, scientific workflows, big data, ensemble methods).


The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 11 January 2017, 13:00 CET. An Abstract Processing Charge (APC) of €40.00 gross must be paid for each abstract submission.


Possibilities of financial support are available for Early Career Scientists, as well as for Established Scientists from low, lower middle, and upper middle income countries. Requests for financial support must be submitted, together with an abstract, by 1 December 2016.